Research Seminar~Immunostimulatory short non-coding RNAs derived from tRNAs and rRNAs~ It has finished [Yohei Kirino, Ph.D.: Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Computational Medicine Center, Thomas Jefferson University)] 時間:16:00-17:00 会議形式:オンサイト 会場:工学部3号館8B04講義室 |
Research Seminar~Programming Biological Molecules at The Nanoscale~ [Jonathan G. Heddle, Ph.D.: Department of Biosciences, Durham University, Durham DH1 3LE, UK] 時間:16:00-17:00 会議形式:オンサイト 会場:工学部3号館8B04講義室 |
Research Seminar~m6A and pseudouridine (Ψ) in vertebrate mRNA~ [Sebastial A. Leidel, Ph.D.: Research Group for Cellular RNA Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland] 時間:16:00-17:00 会議形式:オンサイト 会場:工学部3号館8B04講義室 |
Research Seminar~Cross-talk between mTORC1, mRNA translation, and energy metabolism in cancer~ [Masahiro Morita, Ph.D.: Department of Molecular Medicine and Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA] 時間:16:00-17:00 会議形式:オンサイト 会場:工学部3号館8B04講義室 |
The 35th Meeting, Tokyo RNA Club 時間:13:00-18:40 会場:東京大学弥生キャンパス武田ホール |
Research Seminar~DNA doing what you expect RNA to do: from aptamers to stress granules~
[Dr. Adrian R. Ferré-DʼAmaré: Laboratory of Nucleic Acids, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA] 時間:16:00-17:00 会議形式:オンサイト 会場:⼯学部1号館15号講義室 |
Research Seminar~New aspects of well-studied master enzymes on starvation response in bacteria~ [Dr. Tatsuaki Kurata: Department of Experimental Science, Lund University, Sweden] 時間:17:00-18:00 会議形式:ハイブリッド 会場:工学部3号館8B04会議室 |
Research Seminar~Functional analysis and interference of viral RNA interactions in dengue infection~ [Dr. Sarin Chimnaronk: Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Mahidol University, Thailand] 時間:16:00-17:00 会議形式:ハイブリッド 会場:工学部3号館8B04会議室 |
The 30th Meeting, Tokyo RNA Club 時間:13:00-17:55 会場:東京大学本郷キャンパス小柴ホール 申し込み〆切:9月25日(日) |
Research Seminar~New perspectives on translation control in pathogens~ [Dr. Satoshi Kimura: Brigham and Women's Hospital] 時間:16:00-17:00 会議形式:ハイブリッド 会場:工学部3号館8B04会議室 |
Research Seminar~Infection-induced tRNA half molecules activate Toll-like receptor 7 in innate immune response~ [Dr. Yohei Kirinno: Associate Professor in Computational Medicine Center, Thomas Jefferson University] 時間:17:00-18:00 会場:工学部3号館8B04会議室 会議形式:ハイブリッド |